Civic infrastructure + democratic innovation
From service design to social cohesion: the role of participatory ecosystems. 2022.
Climate Democracy Model. 2022.
Designing the Doughnut: A Story of Five Cities. 2021.
Who makes a Doughnut Economics community? 2021.
Energy transition
Amsterdam’s energy communities are driving a democratised energy future. 2022.
Food systems
The taste of a new regeneration: How We Eat in Melbourne. 2024.
Moving Feast 2023: Structuring innovation. 2023.
Government is the key ingredient for food system change. 2023.
Cast the line out: Three Horizons Thinking in a regenerative food system. 2020.
Sustainability + built environment
More than a survey: An interdisciplinary post-occupancy tracking of BER schools. 2012.
Design + systems practice
Talking Through. 2021.
Kate Raworth’s Three Horizons Framework intro - a guide for use. 2020.
Making friends with complexity: systems thinking + design. 2019.
Participatory ecosystems meetup – Dan Hill + Kate Goodwin. 2022.
Want a greater chance of lasting change? Get more diverse actors around the table. Creative Bureaucracy Festival, 2022.
Doughnut Economics and Systems Thinking: An interview with Kate Goodwin. UXpod, 2021.
Design for Sustainability. This is HCD Ireland, 2021.
Design Leadership in Complexity: social impact design insights. RMIT Master of Design Futures, 2020.
Pairing HCD and systems thinking in the criminal justice system. This is HCD Berlin, 2020.
Tackling complex and uncertain problems with systems thinking. RSA System Change Chats, 2019.
International Student Legal Information. NACLC, 2018.
Human-centred design and access to justice. 3CR Done by Law, 2018.
Designing with people: understanding people’s worlds. Social Design Sydney, 2016.
Introduction to user experience design (workshop). UX Australia, 2016.
Framing Feelix: MYOB’s UX framework. UX Australia, 2014.